Merry Karasu Mass

This final release of the Year-of-the-Dragon, is a particularly profound one, especially for me (Tada).
It was three years ago that I began walking the path I am on now, exploring the esoteric mysteries of the Silk Road and the one they call Christ.
In the winter of 2021, my faith in my previous work as a "social change therapist and theorist" had completely collapsed. I was frozen from my visions of the Western World's future, especially of America, seeing the inevitable end that the lethal combination of cancel culture and gun culture would lead to.
As a result, I brought my career to a complete halt. I kept very few speaking engagements and closed off the intake of my private practice. Truthfully, I was in a constant state of psychological breakage, desperately trying to search for an answer to what was happening in the world and find some direction to what comes next.
Amidst of this I got a nudge to do a bit more research on who my ancestors were. I had already known for my some time, through stories that my patrilineal grandmother told my mother, the Hozumis most recently doctors who served the Nihonmatsu samurai domain (二本松藩) in North Eastern Japan, and have traditionally been priests through the ages. As I started to put together the pieces of what this all meant, it dawned on me that in those days, doctor referred to a practitioner of Eastern medicine, which would include shamanic and energetic work.
Related, my own father, Nobumichi Hozumi (穂積 信道) was a scientist whose 1976 work in Basel Switzerland won a Nobel Prize in 1987, for ushering in "the birth of molecular immunology". His father, at a young age, was sent out of the house to be an understudy at a pharmacy, and later, became a medic in World War 2 - an appointment that left him traumatized for the rest of his life. From this, I realized my family line has technically been unbroken and I have continued the family tradition by becoming a psychotherapist, or a doctor of the spiritual realms. We have just survived, taking up the work of our ancestors in different veiled forms.

Discovering the continuity of my patrilineal lineage inspired me to step into a deeper exploration of my ancestry. I soon found out that there were two Shinto shrines that still remained under the custodianship of the Hozumi clan.
One was Ishikiri Tsurugiya Shrine (石切劔神社) in East Osaka, established in 659BCE, currently maintained by the subsidiary Kozumi clan, under the care of 107th head priest Yasuhiro Kozumi (木積 康弘).

The other was Neno Shrine in Yugawara Town Kanagawa Prefecture (湯河原町 神奈川県), established in 700 CE, currently under the care of 53rd head priest, Master Tenyu Hozumi (穂積天佑師). I had the honour of having an extended meeting with Master Tenyu in 2022.

I also plunged myself into research of our oldest documented ancestor: the Shinto deity, Nigihayahi-no-Mikoto (饒速日尊), abbreviated to Nigihayahi herein. A mysterious and suppressed deity, Nigihayahi is said to have arrived to The Land of Reeds on a Heavenly Rockship and married Tomiyahime (登美夜毘売), the daughter of an indigenous king, Nagasunehiko (長髄彦) to become the new ruler of ancient Japan. He later peacefully transferred the power of his rule to fellow heavenly deity and younger sibling, Ninigi-no-Mikoto (瓊瓊杵尊). This act of peace is understood to have laid the foundations of the current Japanese state.

Soon after I began delving into legends of Nigihayahi's origins I encountered something that I have spent the last two years trying to understand. I discovered that there was ongoing national disclosure movement led by scholars and heirs of spiritual lineages, revealing that many of the Japanese bloodlines, including the Hozumi clan, originated from the ancient Near East, including Sumeria, Egypt, and Israel.
Hiroaki Omote, 80th heir of Yamakage Shinto (山陰神道), shares his understanding between Japanese spirituality and its connection to the ancient Near East.

Through this journey, I learned that Kyoto was built by Near Eastern tribes who reunited in Japan to create a new Jerusalem. This is why they named the city Heiankyo (平安京), exactly meaning "Peaceful Capital" i.e. Jerusalem, and its central district Gion (祇園), after Mount Zion.

While doing this research, another subject came up that has a very profound connection to the origins of the Hozumi family. For a few decades, amongst Japanese esotericists and conspiracy theorists, there has been rumour that there exists in Japan, the world's oldest secret society, responsible for protecting, from the shadows, the ancient sites, rites, and bloodlines of Japanese spirituality.
They are the Three Legged Crow (八咫烏・Yatagarasu), or simply, The Crow (烏・Karasu). Named after the Shinto deity that lore tells guided the first emperor Jinmu (神武) to victory in his Eastern expedition from the Kumano mountains (熊野三山), The Crow are said to be stationed at Shimogamo and Kamigamo Shrines in Kyoto.

According to testimonies by occult researchers, including writer Akio Asuka (飛鳥昭雄) who claims direct contact, members of The Crow do not have a family register address and are made up of a band of 70 members, with 12 forming the inner circle. Within this inner circle, the 3 forming the very top tier are together referred to as The Golden Bird (金鵄・Kinshi) as well as "the hidden emperor (裏天皇・Ura Tenno)", implying their power is equivalent the emperor of Japan himself. The Crow also have deep networks into the Japanese underground, including affiliation with 5 "dragon societies", each named after the 5 colours of the Chinese 5 elements: black, white, red, green/blue, yellow.

As shamans, The Crow are said to have extensive training in ancient Shinto, esoteric Buddhism, and Daoism, as well as an ancient form of Kabbalah that predates Jewish Kabbalah and was secretly brought to Japan through the Silk Road by the exiled Near Eastern tribes. This is why members of The Crow are referred to as Kanbara (漢波羅), the Tibetan ritual skull cup is called Kapala, and the translator of one of The Crow's main sutras, the Peacock Wisdom King Sutra, was in fact named Monk Kabala (僧伽婆羅).
According Asuka, meeting The Crow in person not too long ago was a grave endeavour that took risking one's life and it was common to be eliminated if one was deemed inadequate. These days, things are apparently much "looser", but it is still a protocol to permanently shut out anyone who does not pass the required tests to speak with them.
Even with reports from those like Asuka, the existence of The Crow was considered mostly a rumour or an urban myth until very recently. This changed in 2022, when martial arts master and head of Jeet Kune Do Japan, Hiro Watanabe (渡邊ヒロ), appeared on a popular martial arts Youtube channel wearing a patch of The Crow, claiming he has been approved by a martial arts lineage within The Crow to share their techniques and teachings. In his first appearance he shared that the origins of Japanese martial arts cannot be understood unless it is traced back to Sumeria, and even further to the lost civilization of Mu.

In subsequent appearances he demonstrated various techniques of The Crow's assassination arts.

Since, many spiritualists have confirmed the existence of The Crow, including Hiroaki Omote, 80th heir of Yamakage Shinto, who shared that they are a vast secret network that have been operating since ancient times both inside and outside of Japan. According to Omote Sensei, one of The Crow's strategies is to secretly place their bloodlines in various areas in Japan and around the world, to blend in with the locals over generations, knowing that their epigenetics will eventually bring them back into the network along with vital information about the communities they lived in.

This brings me to discuss the very personal connection to The Crow. Through my research of the Hozumi clan's origins, I found out that the Hozumi clan carries Three Legged Crow as its crest, and it is the only one in Japan that does.

As I mentioned already, the Hozumi clan were traditionally shamans and around 700CE, a member of the Hozumi clan became a priest of the Kumano Triple Grand Shrines (熊野三山), just south of Kyoto. These shrines still bear the crest of the Three Legged Crow as their main symbols.

Back in those days, the Kumano mountains were a major training ground for Shugendo (修験道), a syncretic mountain ascetic practice unique to Japan, which secretly incorporated aspects of ancient Judaism. This fact is easy to see as Shugendo priests, referred to as "yamabushi (山伏)", adorn themselves almost exactly like Rabbis, with a robe, staff, black head ornament, and horn.

A yamabushi ceremony.

Further, Japanese legends say, yamabushi as well as samurai are said to receive a "Tiger Scroll", or "Tora-no-Maki (虎の巻)", when they complete their training with "Tengu (天狗)", long-nosed demons who live in Japanese mountains that dress like yamabushi and are experts of martial and magical arts. It is speculated by many that the Tora-no-Maki is code for Torah scroll.

Related, a variety of Tengu are bird-faced Crow Tengu (鴉天狗・Karasu Tengu). As one may guess, this tells us that Tengu actually refer to The Crow i.e. ninjas who transmit their secrets to those who train in the Japanese mountains.

One such famous site for Tengu transmissions is Kyoto's Mount Kurama (鞍馬山). It is a very special place to I and Rein as our honeymoon pilgrimage there inspired our move to Kyoto. Legends tell that the Tengu of Kurama are responsible for founding all of Kyoto's swordsmanship styles. Continuing this tradition in modern times, both Reiki founder Mikao Usui (臼井甕男), and Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba (植芝盛平) have trained at Mount Kurama extensively and received critical transmission that birthed their respective lineages.

In my research of the connection between Tengu and The Crow, I learned that the Hozumi clan has a very strong tradition as ninjas. As the Kumano Shrine network spread all around Japan, the Hozumi clan did also, as priests, samurais, doctors, scholars, and ninjas, with direct descendants as well as affiliated clans taking up alternate surnames, including Suzuki, which is now the second most common last name in all of Japan.
Suzuki Magoichi (鈴木孫一) of the Saika Renegades (雑賀衆) was such a ninja who came out of the Hozumi clan in the 1500s. Magochi was infamous for his gunmanship and bore the crest of the Yatagarasu. His direct descendants are known to have gone to the North Eastern Aizu (会津) region Japan as artillery experts that my most recent family is from. I imagine that I am a progeny of him and his lineage.

It is no exaggeration to say that my discovery of the intimate connection between the Hozumi clan and The Yatagarasu AKA The Crow, has been my spiritual guide in my explorations of the secret origins of Japanese spirituality that I have dedicated myself to over the last few years.

In commemorating this journey, I would like to offer to you, as a special Christmas present from the Hozumi clan, that marks the end of this Year of the Dragon 2024: a comprehensive breakdown of the etymological and symbolic origins of the Three Legged Crow that traces all the way back through the Silk Road to ancient Sumeria, to not only reveal the hidden Near Eastern origins of Asia, but also of the Western world.
Let us start with the first Kingdoms of both China and Korea. The earliest empires of mainland China and the Korean penninsula considered the Three Legged Crow to be a symbol of the Sun that represented the power of the dynasty. In China the sacred bird was referred to as the Sanzuwu, meaning Three Legged Crow, and was popular from the Qin (秦) to Han (漢) dynasties.

In Korea, the Three Legged Crow was called the Samjoko and was seen as a powerful heraldic symbol of the Goguryo kingdom (37BCE – 668CE).

The common use of the Three Legged Crow amongst Japan, Korea, and China indicate the interconnected nature of the founding royal families of its first kingdoms. We may connect these East Asian empires to the Near East by studying the very first dynasty of China, the Qin (秦) dynasty, whose Japanese descendants, the Hata (秦) clan, are said to have built much of ancient Kyoto. It is known that in ancient Chinese, Daqin (大秦), meaning Great Qin, referred not to China itself but rather Persia or Rome. This suggests that the origins of the first Chinese empire were in the Near East. Supporting this, Daqin Temple (大秦寺) is claimed to have been an early Oriental Christian church (the historical references say the temple's origins are ~600CE but recent disclosures put its Eastern transmission of Christianity much earlier).
As we travel westward along the Silk Road, looking for the etymological and symbolical origins of the Yatagarasu, we find the existence of a very interesting people: the Kalasha tribe of the Kalasha Vallery in Pakistan, whose name resembles "karasu", meaning crow in Japanese. These fair-skinned people are said to have originated from Alexander the Great's Eastern expedition into the region around ~335 BCE.

The priests of the Kalasha people are referred to as Kam, reminiscent of the Kamo (賀茂) clan who are a priestly clan of Shinto that is responsible for the major rites of Shinto and the Japanese royal family, including the Daijosai (大嘗祭), the inauguration ritual for the Japanese imperial throne. The Kamo clan are headquartered the aformentioned Kamigamo and Shimogamo Shrines, and are said to originate from the Tribe of Levi, the 13th tribe of ancient Israel, responsible for ritually binding the 12 Tribes of Israel together. These two Kamo shrines are the same ones that The Crow are said to be based, which of course means that The Crow have a very strong relationship to the Kamo clan.
The Hozumi clan also have a strong relationship to the Kamo clan, as Master Tenyu Hozumi has shared. The Hozumi priesthood family of Neno Shrine traditionally receives wives from the matrilineal line of the Kamo clan.

Coming back to the Kalasha Tribe, one of their major yearly rituals is a spring festival where unmarried members of their tribe find their partners under the ceremonial guidance of the Kam priests, echoing the Kamo clan and the Tribe of Levi's ritual responsibilities to bring people together. Fascinatingly, when we look at Alexander the Great's conquest of Asia, that the Kalasha Tribe are said to originate from, we see that there was a major group marriage ritual, "the Susa Weddings", conducted between citizens of Alexander's Macedonian and the conquered Achaemenid Empire of ancient Persia. Over 80 couples were birthed in order to mix Persian and Greek traditions together. Connected to this, the city of Susa is rumoured to be the namesake of Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the Kami enshrined at Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社) that lies at the heart of Kyoto's Gion District.
This marriage rites echoes the lore of Nigihayahi's marriage to an indigenous princess and his later peaceful ceding of power to the incoming Ninigi. This leads me to believe, The Crow, or Karasu, refers to the band of behind-the-scene ceremonialists that are responsible for settling transfers of power between empires and creating peace.
Interestingly, the Persian (Farsi) word for crow is "kalāgh", suggesting that there is an etymological and symbolical connection with the Japanese "karasu". Indeed, the Achaemenid empire's symbol is the Shahbaz, a great golden bird of prey representing the Sun that resembles the Golden Bird of The Crow.

The Shahbaz itself is said to be the totem of the Achaemenid empire's founder, Cyrus the Great (600 – 530 BCE), spelled Kuruš in ancient Persian, which of course again echoes "karasu". You can easily imagine that the golden bright Shahbaz was inverted into the black crow as the clan of Cyrus the Great went into exile and headed East to create the Far Eastern empires of China, Korea, and Japan.
Things get even more interesting when we trace back the etymological origins of Cyrus/Kuruš to the Elamite (2600 - 330 BCE) word for shepherd, "Kuraš". This harkens back to the ancient Sumerian tradition of "Shepherd Kings", where kings were seen as benevolent custodians of their flock. Fittingly, the Sumerian God of agriculture, Dumuzid, who was also the husband of the Love Goddess, Inanna, was referred to as a shepherd. It is said that the Sumerian tradition required Kings to be anointed through having consecrating sex with a high priestess of Inanna.
This mesopotamian tradition of symbolically portraying benevolent patriarchs as shepherds is evident in both the later figures Krishna and Christ.

Krishna, whose name derives from the Mesopotamian Kuraš, is described in the Hindu epic Mahabharata as being deeply involved in wars that reform the Kuru Kingdom and clan. We can presume Kuru is symbolically connected to the concept of a royal clan who act as shepherds and etymologically connected to "karasu". This story of Krishna also has parallels with Jesus Christ, whose title comes from the Greek "Kyrios", meaning lord, and is also a messianic reformer of his people.
Related, the previously mentioned Cyrus the Great is known to have freed the Hebrews from Babylonian capture so that they may return to Israel and build the Second Temple. Thus, we can image that this is one of the reasons the term Cyrus/Kyrios came to mean "savior of the Hebrews".
Continuing on, the Latin "crux", which is the origins of the English "cross", originally explicitly referred to wooden implements for Roman torture of political outcasts. This means that crux/cross may be directly referring to the execution of a royal clan of shepherd kings. Not only that, the origins of the English "crow" is the Latin "corvus", which of course sounds suspiciously similar to cross/crux.
Tying this deeper into the roots of the Abrahamic tradition, in the Old Testament there were two birds, a crow and a dove, that flew from Noah's Ark.
"After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.
Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground."
Genesis 8:6-8
It is well known that this story has common roots with the ancient Mesopotamian tale of the Epic of Gilgamesh (2100 - 1200 BCE), in which a dove, swallow, and a raven is released by the hero, Utnapishtim, to find land after a great flood.
Thus, we see that The Crow and Christianity, symbolized by The Cross, have a deeply rooted etymological connection that begins at the birthplace of human civilization and runs all the way between the very Far Eastern and Western edges of Eurasia, Japan and the British Isles.

As we discussed the in our previous release on Shinto prophecies of the Second Coming and The Technological Singularity, we have heard through our network in Japan is that what is currently happening in our world can be explained by understanding that: the ancient survivors of the last Great Flood over ten thousand years ago, through their advanced astronomy, had accurately predicted the next coming natural calamity that will coincide with a major shift in the Earth's geomagnetic polarity.
Indeed, the magnetic north pole is currently drifting Eastward at a rapidly accelerating pace, with the speed fastening from 9km per year in 1970 to 55km per year since 2019. We believe that this pole shift is connected to, the recent rise in natural disasters all around the world, including in North America.

As we have shared before, an excellent source on this subject is the "Law of Gaia (ガイアの法則)" by Kazuki Chiga (千賀一生). In the book, Chiga shares the transmission he received at the ruins of the Sumerian capital of Eridu during the Iraq War in 20023.

Chiga was told that the Earth's geomagnetic rhythm and development of human culture is intimately connected, and particularly, the next pole shift will coincide from the cultural centre of the world moving from London, England, at 0 degrees longitude, to Awaji Island (淡路島), Japan, at 135 degrees longitude. Significantly, Awaji Island is the birth site of the Japanese Islands in official Japanese national mythology, is exactly 90 degrees longitude, or 1/4 of the Earth's circumference, from Eridu, and just North East of it are the ancient Japanese capitals of Yamato (大和), Asuka (飛鳥), and Heiankyo (ancient Kyoto).
Several close sources have told us that this is why the Near Eastern ancients traveled across the Silk Road to the Far East and along the way created the very first empires of Mesopotamia Persia, China, Korea, and finally, Japan. They did so to prepare humanity for the planetary changes they have predicted and have been purposely steered world events accordingly. This preparation has included both the development of AI and other high technologies, as well as the end of slavery and capitalism-colonialism. This multi-level preparation process, which has had many contradicting aspects, especially as acceleration in scientific progress requires competition, explains the extremely complex history of humanity that has played out over the last few thousand years.
My understanding is that The Crow are a lineage of shamans who have been working on this thousands years long project behind-the-scenes. Their main headquarters is Kyoto, Japan but they also seem to have left their trace all over the world.
For example:
- In Mayan mythology, Kukulkan, the feathered serpent deity, is said to have brought knowledge to South America. Their name and role echoes the endeavours of the Kuras/Kuru/Karasu people across the ancient world.
- In Native North American mythologoy crows are common transmitters of cosmic knowledge, including prophecy.
- In Norse mythology, a pair of ravens, Huginn and Muninn, bring back information to the cheif deity Odin.
Amongst the many encoded remnants of The Crow's activities worldwide, there is one that is particularly dear to us, which connects I and Rein's ancestral lands of East and West. That is the Celtic War Goddess, the Morrigan, who is often depicted as being accompanied by crows or as a crow herself.

She is often combined in neo-Pagan circles with the nortorious feminine sea demon, Morgen, who drowns men, and Morgan le Fay, a faerie queen who is an ambiguous ally and adversary of King Arthur.

Some have criticized this syncretization as they deem the celtic languages to have departed much long before than when these mythological entities culturally surfaced independent from each other. Morrigan comes from the Irish Gaelic "mor (terror) and "rígan (queen)", while Morgen comes from the Welsh/Brittonic "môr (sea)" and "gen (child)".
Yet, when we look at Proto-Indo-European, we see that"móri", referring to sea, is in fact the origins of the Gaulish "mori" and Irish "muir". Not only that, the etymology of "mare", meaning evil spirit, as in "nightmare", is the Proto-Indo-European "mor". It is easy to imagine that this etymological connection represents how the ancients associated terror with the primordial chaos of water. This is evident in the biblical description of the monster-dragon, The Leviathan, which the Hebrew priestly Tribe of Levi was named after as we explored in a previous article.

Significantly, Miriam, the title of many significant biblical women, means "of the Sea". The first one to make an appearance in the texts, Miriam the prophetess, is the sister of Aaron, the ancestor of the priestly Tribe of Levi. Jewish scholars such as Rabbi Jill Hammer have theorized that this suggests that Miriam the prophetess was also a Levite. Similarly, the mother of Mother Mary is also documented to be a Levite. This shows us that there is in fact a secret matrilineal line of Hebrew priestesses, and it may be that the title of "Christ", the good shepherd, is bestowed upon someone who is approved by hieros gamos with a Levite priestess who bares the title of Miriam, as it does seem to have been the case with the fabled sacred marriage of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.
My belief is that this tradition that has been transmitted by the mythological tales of the Morrigan, who is the wife of The Dagda, the patriarch of the Tuatha Dé Danann, who keeps pigs, rather than sheep like his Near Eastern counterparts. Morrigan/Morgen/Morgan le Fay - all these names mean Miriam, and to signify this the Morrigan is protected by the lineage of shepherd kings who have receded into the shadows to become the crows of the Goddess.
Connected to all of this, there is said to be yet another ancient secret society in Japan that is even more secretive than The Crow. They are the Great Dove (八幡鳩・Yahatabato), or simply, The Dove. They are rumoured to be a clan of shamanesses who carry the lineage of Mary Magdalene and are fabled to be the true messiahs of this troubled world.
Some have said that they exist but they have yet to be formed.

Finally, in closing this article, I would like share a spell with you that has been secretly passed down many different Japanese esoteric lineages, including, presumably, The Hozumi, clan especially for these troubles times:
A-Chi-Ma-Ri-Ka-Mu (アチマリカム)

The legend of of this spell, as told by Omote Sensei of Yamakage Shinto, goes as follows. Humans became tired of the very strict Creator God of Earth and asked them to hide away for a while so humans may try to rule themselves. Accepting the request of the humans to rule themselves, The Creator left humans behind with the sacred syllables, "A-Chi-Ma-Ri-Ka-Mu", so that they may be called upon should humans fail at self-rule and risk the planet going to ruin.
Curiously, as Omote Sensei points out, the spell is phonetically very close to the Hebrew prayer, "Avinu Malkeinu", which also means "Our Lord".
Our recommendation is to pronounce it repeatedly should you find yourself in a troubled place. It has really helped out in the pinch this last year.
With that said, thank you for supporting and following our work for this Year-of-the-Dragon 2024!
We look forward to seeing you in the Year-of-the-Serpent 2025!
Wishing everyone a Merry Karasu Mass from the Hozumis (Tada and Rein)!
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