Talk with Waitaha-Maori elder, Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako, and 80th heir of Yamakage Shinto, Hiroaki Omote

Talk with Waitaha-Maori elder, Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako, and 80th heir of Yamakage Shinto, Hiroaki Omote
Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako and Hiroaki Omote in Nishinomiya (西宮), Hyogo prefecture (兵庫県).

Those who have been following our work over the last few years know that there has been a growing disclosure movement happening in Japan on the true history of Japan and the world.

We had the special opportunity yesterday to attend a talk with two key players in this disclosure movement.

One was, Waitaha-Maori elder, Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako. He is the last student of the "Magic Dragon School" of the Waitaha-Maori tribes. Elder Te Porohau has gone under very rigorous training, including the "little death" initiation rite in which an initiate is buried in the earth for 3 days without food or water, at 3 years old, 13 years old, and 33 years old.

Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako.
Alongside Junko Nakatani, international member of Waitaha Executive Grandmothers Council and organizer of Waitaha Japan.

An address regarding a tour to connect Waitaha, Japan and Egypt.

He is the co-author of "A Message From Silver Dragon to Gold Dragon (銀龍から金龍へ)". In this book, Elder Te Porohau shares that the Waitaha have been carrying a prophecy that the Japanese and Waitaha-Maori were once one as a Dragon tribe in ancient mesopotamia and that the Japanese were the Golden Dragon (fire) and the Waitaha, and other polynesian tribes, were the Silver Dragon (water).

Unfortunately, the elder brother Golden Dragons have fallen asleep and forgotten, so he has been coming to Japan for the last decade to try to wake up the Japanese to remember who they are, as this is needed for the world to survive through a prophesied calamity.

"A Message From Silver Dragon to Gold Dragon" by Te Porohau Ruka Te Korako (Waitaha elder) and Junko Nakatani (Waitaha Grandmother's Council). Cover is "Ryuka (龍華)" by Kazuhisa Kusaba.

Elder Te Porohau is not the first Maori leader to share that the connection of the Maori and Japanese goes back to the ancient Near East. At the turn of the century, Maori prophet T.W. Ratana (1873-1939) claimed the Maori and Japanese were both descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel.

At the talk, Elder Te Porohau shared a secret history that the Waitaha used to travel the Black Tide around the Pacific Ring of Fire and visit Japan. There was a landing place on Awaji Island (淡路島) specially set aside for them by the Japanese emperor. From there, they would visit Gion district (祇園), Kyoto and meet with the emperor.

This custom stopped when the Japanese entered the Sakoku (鎖国) period of isolationism in response to encroaching imperial powers from mainland Eurasia. Since, the Ring of Fire that has brought together the Pacific Rim peoples has been broken and it must be restored to regain world peace.

This is especially important as the world's volcanic and earthquake i.e. Dragon activity focuses on the Pacific rim and the ancient priests worked to quell them. We understood it's no coincidence that Japan, currently with the world's longest continuous imperial line, headed by a priest-monarch, is also the country with the highest concentration of active volcanoes and earthquakes in the world.

For us, this was an opportunity to see Japan very differently from before, not just as an extension of Eurasia, but as a member of the spiritual culture of the ancient seafaring Pacific Rim peoples. We see Japan returning to this role in the near future, including at the top levels, as indicated by the fact that reigning emperor Naurhito's 2022 memorial speech on Water, Dragons, and the culture of Asia Pacific.

The other speaker of the day was Hiroaki Omote (表博耀), the 80th heir of Yamakage Shinto (山蔭神道) sect and the founder of Sosei Kagura (創世神楽) ceremonial dance troupe.

Those who have been following our work will know the below video where he offers his understanding of how Shinto originates in the mysticisms of the ancient Near Eastern tribes, including the Lost Tribes of Israel.

In the last year, his disclosures have been more forthright, including explicitly discussing how family records of the ancient Hebrews appear in previously concealed records passed down in Shinto clans.

Hiroaki Omote, 80th heir of Yamakage Shinto (山陰神道), on Toland Vlog, explaining that the Kukami Documents (九鬼文書), passed down the Kuki family, has family trees of Noah, Moses, and Yeshua, as well as Siddhartha Gautama, written in Chinese characters. You can view the original video here.
A rough translation of the family tree in the Kukami Documents.

Omote sensei has also been sharing that Japan is the country of the Golden Dragon, as the Dragon-shaped Island is lit up by the rising sun to shine like gold. His understanding has been that the Japanese culture is the most elder culture in the world, and they will have to go back to their roots in ancient Shinto to help usher in the new paradigm for Earth.

He has been very busy this year, spreading this message as well as conducting ceremonies for opening portals all across the world, including mainland Japan, Okinawa, Vietnam, Indonesia, Italy, and Germany.

Omote sensei offers a Kagura dance ceremony in front of the King of the Klungkung Regency in Indonesia.

Vietnam war memorial ceremony in Vietnam.

In Florence, as a Japanese Tourism Ambassador, to meet with key players and offer a ceremony.

In his talk, he shared that this year, he went to the Vatican to transmit the ancient Shinto teaching of "Ko-ichigen (光一元)", meaning "single light source", which teaches that light and dark are in fact both light. His view was that the dualism of the West requires Japan to transmit Eastern non-dualist teaching.

Omote Sensei sees that anime and manga has been largely responsible for this role of sharing Japanese culture and non-dualism. As many may know, in anime and manga it is common for even villains to be recognized for their own reasons and sorrows that leads them down a path of violence and hatred.

On the spread of Japanese culture and spirituality through anime.

As LUNMU, our understanding has been that anime and manga represent the major strategy that has been taken since the end of World War 2 to keep fighting the spiritual battle to preserve non-dual spirituality. We see this was in preparation for a prophesied time when the world will need a way to reconcile the violence of human history.

On that note, Omote sensei commented that the even "the illuminati" itself is not all evil people like it is commonly portrayed. Our perspective, which we believe aligns with his, is that there are also people in very very high places, looking out for humanity and guiding us in very complex ways that can be beyond our common comprehension.

Omote sensei's current mission is to share a 6-syllable prayer passed down in Yamakage Shinto and other Shinto lineages called "a-chi-ma-ri-ka-mu". It means "please lord ruler over us".

A-chi-ma-ri-ka-mu written in ancient proto-Japanese script or "god-era script (神代文字・Jindai Moji)".

His explanation is that for thousands of years we humans have asked the very strict Kami that rules over Earth to take a backseat as we try to rule ourselves. This of course has led to our current crisis. "A-chi-ma-ri-ka-mu" was given as a safety insurance by this strict Kami so they may be called upon when humans fail to rule themselves.

Omote Sensei understands it may have the same origins as "Avinu Malkeinu", a Hebrew prayer meaning "Our Lord Our Father".

Omote sensei on a-chi-ma-ri-ka-mu.

We will be sharing more on this and all the subjects we touched upon above as we settle more into our work and life in Japan, and build our networks of support and collaboration.


Poster of the 9/28 talk.
Commemorative T-shirt of Waitaha Japan's 13th anniversary, in collaboration with Yuki Kobayashi.


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